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Flower Essence Therapy

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

What are Flower Essences

A Flower Essence is a solar water extraction that works subtly but deeply to create shifts in our health. They are safe for children, the elderly, and animals and can be used internally or externally.

Using these low-dose essences 2-3x daily can help shift our stuck/unhealthy energy patterns.

Flower essences are odorless and are not to be confused with essential oils.

Benefits of Flower Essences

Flower essences help address emotional well-being, personal development, and mind-body health. Although, they do not take the place of professional mental or physical healthcare.

They can provide relief from stress and anxiety, fear and overwhelm, acute and chronic pain, or any situation that feels unresolved or imbalanced in one's being.


Collecting Dew

For centuries in many cultures around the world, people would collect the morning dew as a means to obtain the healing essence of plants.

Dr. Edward Bach

Around 1930 Dr. Edward Bach developed a system infusing water with the same healing properties of morning dew and preserving it, making it accessible to his patients.

It is the system he developed that we use today.

Using Flower Essences

Flower essences work by subtle attunement. Shifts occur with duration and frequency, not so much quantity.

They work best with a low dose, but frequent, regular, and mindful application.

They can be added to beverages or taken straight under the tongue, usually 3 drops 3 times a day.

Flower essence attunements, called PET(partnership energetic transmission), can also be utilized by someone knowledgeable in this technique.

Personal Experience

It has been my personal experiences and growth with flower essence that has directed me to learn to be a provider of flower essences.

The first time I heard of flower essences was when a fellow massage therapist mentioned her success with Bach rescue remedy for issues involving acute anxiety. I had tried it and it was kind of hit or miss for me. It didn't always work as well as I thought it should.

Years later I had a dream about mullein, and in the dream, it was shown to me that mullein can be helpful for support for courage. I began taking mullein flower essence and it helped, but I believed it was the mental practice of reminding myself to have courage every time I took the essence, kind of like a physical floral affirmation, but not 100% sure it was the actual essence itself causing the shifts.

My confidence in flower essences changed last year when I developed Lyme Disease. I had read that teasel flower essence is indicated for Lyme, so I figured I would try it. Shortly after beginning to take it, I started to feel depressed, but something in me knew this was coming up from unresolved depression from my childhood. The teasel was "teasing out" these unresolved dysfunctions in order for me to deeply heal. I was ready, I put Botanical Handworks on simmer, and gave myself the space to heal. I am still on this healing journey that teasel has started. It's a wild ride for sure, as I develop confidence and connection in the animist side of herbalism.


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